There. Fixed It. Nov 5th 2012, 19:13  | These home-cooked fixes aren't the prettiest solutions but dammit, they work well. Kind of. Probably not. |
| Out Prank Ep.2 - Paranoid Prank Nov 5th 2012, 19:07  | If someone was describing you on the phone while walking slowly behind you, you'd freak out too! Roman Atwood is back freaking people out in this hilarious new episode of Out Prank. |
| Tesla Battle Nov 5th 2012, 19:05  | You've been welcomed to the Thunderdome. Now, be welcomed to the Lightningdome! Two men enter, two men make Daft Punk look like little kids playing with Christmas lights. |
| Most Racist Play-By-Play Ever? Nov 5th 2012, 18:17  | Thanks to the stupidity and ignorance of Terry Bradshaw, this play-by-play of Miami Dolphins running back Reggie Bush's touchdown run is probably the most racist thing ever said on a live sports broadcast. |
| So Here Is A Talking Elephant Nov 5th 2012, 18:10  | This elephant has learned to speak five words in Korean. And before you say, "wait, maybe it's just making random noises and it doesn't mean anything," we ask you to shut up. |
| Killer Whales vs Otter Nov 5th 2012, 16:15  | Step one is learning to use a boat for safety. Step two is revenge with a harpoon gun. |
| 12 Ridiculous Vintage Beauty Ads Nov 5th 2012, 13:33  | The concept of beauty has changed a bit over the years but on the right side the concept of ridiculous is the same. |
| Break Spends Two Minutes In Brazil Nov 4th 2012, 23:33  | We went deep within Brazil to bring you two minutes of the best videos ever to come out of Brazil. We think Brazil is like Ke$ha: a little hot but so, so crazy. Two minutes is about all we'd want with either of them. |
| Talking Funny Part 1 of 4 May 16th 2012, 16:38 | Ricky Gervais and HBO bring together four of the best comedians in the world to talk about comedy, enjoy...Talking Funny. | Views: 405685 2421 ratings | Time: 15:01 | More in Comedy |
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